tx · D7mVfi5cW5cfyMQtZa6xqyYJMfdNpoCufhDMZoyjd7X1

3N9ttyLcRwDo7L4EmJkbS3ZFuQJygivupsL:  -0.00500000 Waves

2024.03.19 20:14 [3025201] invoke 3N9ttyLcRwDo7L4EmJkbS3ZFuQJygivupsL > 3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV commitTask()

3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: checked_out_by_92ovWCy1Zf8CSsTLLLssC74m8yn5yPMqVp9fmVacou97_youtube_6WTbuiBfAqPSQLooamdn7C6DBkF5E3Qz5hV2Xtuc9YrW_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp: true -> null
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 6WTbuiBfAqPSQLooamdn7C6DBkF5E3Qz5hV2Xtuc9YrW_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_timestamp_youtube: 1710868487423
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 6WTbuiBfAqPSQLooamdn7C6DBkF5E3Qz5hV2Xtuc9YrW_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_commit_height_youtube: 3025201
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 6WTbuiBfAqPSQLooamdn7C6DBkF5E3Qz5hV2Xtuc9YrW_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_result_youtube: "The speaker discusses the current state of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting Bitcoin's significant drop, potential shifts in international investment, and upcoming decisions about spot ETFs for Ethereum. They also touch upon Japan's pension fund considering Bitcoin for diversification and the effect of recent net outflows over Bitcoin Spot ETFs. The speaker then shares personal strategies and tactics in dealing with market shifts. Furthermore, they discuss their futures position, revealing that 65% has been closed but the remaining portion has potential for further profit. Finally, they remind their audience to engage with the content for better visibility and promise another update soon."
3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV: 6WTbuiBfAqPSQLooamdn7C6DBkF5E3Qz5hV2Xtuc9YrW_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_status_youtube: "checked_out" -> "done"

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36.04 ms