tx · EwxnTFjWZYpVgqYiYD5RJsuSabNnTYx9PrXR31Pz1wdj

3N1YQeRXXYEzeM4oxtnvcPrpPB5wJh85Msn:  -1.00000000 Waves (GENERATOR)
———————————————————————————————————:  +2.00000000 R SIX
———————————————————————————————————:  +1.00000000 Waves
3MyLDDChFqiZMV8At2rmymVkQzrrPbSE7EK:  +1.41421356 sWAVES_R SIX
———————————————————————————————————:  -2.00000000 R SIX
———————————————————————————————————:  -2.00500000 Waves
3N1RAoDr9SwibDJpK2pn7zGZBLQJouA6Mci:  +1.00000000 Waves (GENERATOR)

2022.02.04 12:28 [1908685] transfer 3N1YQeRXXYEzeM4oxtnvcPrpPB5wJh85Msn > 3MyLDDChFqiZMV8At2rmymVkQzrrPbSE7EK init() 1.41421356 sWAVES_R SIX
2022.02.04 12:28 [1908685] issue 3N1YQeRXXYEzeM4oxtnvcPrpPB5wJh85Msn > SELF init() 1.41421356 sWAVES_R SIX
2022.02.04 12:28 [1908685] lease 3N1YQeRXXYEzeM4oxtnvcPrpPB5wJh85Msn > 3N1RAoDr9SwibDJpK2pn7zGZBLQJouA6Mci stakeUnstake() 1.00000000 Waves
2022.02.04 12:28 [1908685] invoke 3N1YQeRXXYEzeM4oxtnvcPrpPB5wJh85Msn > 3N1YQeRXXYEzeM4oxtnvcPrpPB5wJh85Msn stakeUnstake()
2022.02.04 12:28 [1908685] invoke 3MyLDDChFqiZMV8At2rmymVkQzrrPbSE7EK > 3N1YQeRXXYEzeM4oxtnvcPrpPB5wJh85Msn init() 2.00000000 R SIX
2022.02.04 12:28 [1908685] invoke 3MyLDDChFqiZMV8At2rmymVkQzrrPbSE7EK > 3N1YQeRXXYEzeM4oxtnvcPrpPB5wJh85Msn init() 1.00000000 Waves

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32.68 ms