tx · 6FByGDQtwHSZ42Fye91fbzka1hJA6dTEGHiG1UQfDzFT

3N9K14hqmmZ5QoM73FbB6eXpD67B9VkhGpx:  -1.00900000 Waves

2021.04.26 19:28 [1499666] issue 3N8VprziouggRRQaP2aFdem2ycS6GudUaft > SELF initWithInitRatio() 0.00000000 ssSWOP_sBTC
2021.04.26 19:28 [1499666] invoke 3N9K14hqmmZ5QoM73FbB6eXpD67B9VkhGpx > 3N8VprziouggRRQaP2aFdem2ycS6GudUaft initWithInitRatio()

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20.57 ms