tx · 61XsMaiexza2X4L28WVFYQqrmkJ6sDLWYrTEmF9f7XD2

3MyLDDChFqiZMV8At2rmymVkQzrrPbSE7EK:  -1.00500000 Waves

2022.08.22 13:49 [2195561] issue 3MvtJ5BYTeYfbqkM99skpS6m8Da2UixPKiK > SELF initWithInitRatio() 0.00000000 sVostok_EAST
2022.08.22 13:49 [2195561] invoke 3MyLDDChFqiZMV8At2rmymVkQzrrPbSE7EK > 3MvtJ5BYTeYfbqkM99skpS6m8Da2UixPKiK initWithInitRatio()

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22.36 ms