tx · 5s8T2arsx3S2k7iKtPQj4bkWNckmXLDiLEtdnxpzQszN

3Myo2Nw3Rq6EY4NuH5ifsUgmfe4vQysCv2K:  -25.00000000 SIGN
3NCzApG3ka4tvDuKX8HxnJtXe7eJw5PmdVt:  +25.00000000 SIGN
———————————————————————————————————:  -0.00500000 Waves

2020.10.01 07:40 [1201020] invoke 3Myo2Nw3Rq6EY4NuH5ifsUgmfe4vQysCv2K > 3N6VmiwyYvN3mje3HrLWZJwpGpXerqPwiY1 updateUser()
2020.10.01 07:40 [1201020] sponsor 3Myo2Nw3Rq6EY4NuH5ifsUgmfe4vQysCv2K > 3NCzApG3ka4tvDuKX8HxnJtXe7eJw5PmdVt 25.00000000 SIGN

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16.44 ms