3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV · data · Fuj1KBbdXjWsMomuzpPe6toarTgtooxzBrxNoCY7gpMQ_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_description_dalle
    "Fuj1KBbdXjWsMomuzpPe6toarTgtooxzBrxNoCY7gpMQ_D2Eu5TQSVkAwDi7WKia7vFRkw5diyFYkCRhRzsVDmjQp_description_dalle": "Create an image of a majestic castle nestled in a pristine snow-covered mountain range. The castle should have tall stone walls with intricate details and large, arched windows. The snowy mountains should have gentle slopes, with trees covered in a fresh blanket of snow surrounding the castle. The sky should be clear, displaying a soft blue color, with a few fluffy white clouds scattered throughout. The overall scene should evoke a sense of tranquility and magic, with the castle standing as a symbol of grandeur and serenity in its picturesque snowy surroundings."


    "2024.01.26 14:07": "Create an image of a majestic castle nestled in a pristine snow-covered mountain range. The castle should have tall stone walls with intricate details and large, arched windows. The snowy mountains should have gentle slopes, with trees covered in a fresh blanket of snow surrounding the castle. The sky should be clear, displaying a soft blue color, with a few fluffy white clouds scattered throughout. The overall scene should evoke a sense of tranquility and magic, with the castle standing as a symbol of grandeur and serenity in its picturesque snowy surroundings."

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