3N9tKixzqTYWnEXQxrDQ5pBTGvQd6sFsvmV · data · Cyo6GHxiU3LTvwHEmW4gqvS54DWbDjr9G4SRwxcrZDVW_CqbpJxfYeagkaT7sXQpxsfJXS1ZPxjM1Giw94n3y4Tp5_result_gemini
    "Cyo6GHxiU3LTvwHEmW4gqvS54DWbDjr9G4SRwxcrZDVW_CqbpJxfYeagkaT7sXQpxsfJXS1ZPxjM1Giw94n3y4Tp5_result_gemini": "By default, Gemini 1.5 supports eventually consistent reads for performance reasons. Eventually consistent reads are not guaranteed to return the most recent write result. If you require strong consistency, you can set the `consistency` option in your query to `strong`:

	query := datastore.NewQuery("Task").Consistency(datastore.Strong)  

Strong consistency comes with a performance penalty, so only use it when it is truly required. For more information, see [Consistency Levels](https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/concepts/data-consistency)."


    "2024.03.21 15:27": "By default, Gemini 1.5 supports eventually consistent reads for performance reasons. Eventually consistent reads are not guaranteed to return the most recent write result. If you require strong consistency, you can set the `consistency` option in your query to `strong`:

	query := datastore.NewQuery("Task").Consistency(datastore.Strong)  

Strong consistency comes with a performance penalty, so only use it when it is truly required. For more information, see [Consistency Levels](https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/concepts/data-consistency)."

2.49 ms